Produced for Japan Quality
岡村電產 – 日本高質量之產品
Okamura’s original products are produced by the authorized factories only in Japan and China.
The authorized factories fulfill high demands from Okamura and 15 major Japanese clients and our products are produced by high level facilities in clean production line.
所有授權之工廠都能做到岡村電產高質素及清潔生產線要求;15個主要日本客戶都對我們的產品(LED 燈具) 都很滿意。
Standard operating procedures are instructed and confirmed by Okamura’s product development team in Japan. Okamura keeps Japan quality for produced in Japan and China.
所有岡村電產的產品都會經由我們在日本之產品開發團隊指導並套用 ”標準操作程序” 加以確認。 所以岡村電產能保持所有生產的質量。
For key components, we choose top brand components to secure high reliability of products.

Special Filters Made in Japan
日本製造 – 特製過濾片
To achieve high requirements for light quality from customers, Okamura keeps filter production in our in-house factory in Japan with our original recipe.
Our special filters are produced with severe quality control. Even computer operating system cannot make 100% qualified filters and our skilled engineers need to make adjustment for each production. Our special filters are quite close to hand made.
所有特製過濾片經由我們嚴格的品質控制。 即使機械生產線也不能製造到100%合格之要求,我們熟練的工程師需要對每個生產程序進行微調。所以,我們的特製過濾器是相當接近手工製作。

Lighting Planning
Okamura provides high level lighting solution for comfortable and attractive shop atmosphere which realizes clients’ shop image.
岡村可提高商店光源之舒適及吸引度,從而令顧客被照明之氣氛吸引。 此舉可提高商舖形象。
According to the requests from customers, Okamura supports to make lighting planning with visual illuminance image.
Okamura’s lighting solution achieves both attractivesness of the shop and high energy efficiency.